
The participation at the Burning Man Multiverse (with Cyber Dreams UK) was the seed to what happened later: SOUNDZONE.stream.

With 1,000 + attendees we understood that there is something to be done here. That was the beginning…

Soundzone.stream is born
December, 2020
SZ animated banner

As a need to share the joy and excitement that the dance music exhales, we created Soundzone.stream, a platform where music and artists can express their potential to the maximum. Our intention and first even: New Year's Eve 2021, the vision of different artist playing their sets in their respective zonetimes (Soundzones) all enchained creating a 16 non-stop set of music.

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New Year's Eve 2021
December, 2020
NYE 2021

People all around the world joined us in celebration as we danced across the planet welcoming The New Year in 12 different Soundzones, starting in Kuala Lumpur and ending in Los Angeles. Our line-up of like-minded artists and DJs performing 16 hours of continuos streaming, as their local zone hit midnight.

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Hybrid Allchemy is born
January, 2021
Hybrid Allchemy

Hybrid Allchemy was created as the catalysator of all the new compounds that we didn't have yet, but somehow were there. After trying many different streaming platforms, we decided to use Twitch as the one to show our live content. These streams were not saved or repeated, only clips made by the users were available for 2 weeks after the show concludes.

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Hybrid Allchemy #1
February, 2021
Soulphuric Acid

Our first compound, fresh from our Hybrid Allchemy Lab: Soulphuric Acid. 

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Hybrid Allchemy #2
March, 2021
Free Radikals

We asked 3 questions to random people, and we posted the answers on a vibrant set done by Sam Siam.

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First NFT on WAX platform
March, 2021
Free Radikals NFTeaser
NFT in AtomicHub market

Our first NFTeaser, where we start using NFTs as flyers from upcoming events.

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R2D movement is born
April, 2021
rights 2 dance

The Rights 2 Dance movement aims to weave cooperation between all dancing communities around the world, between all dynamic souls and bodies, to reclaim our basic freedom to Dance, Anywhere, Anytime, without a specific or prescribed purpose.

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Hybrid Allchemy #3
July, 2021
NF3: Nitrogen Trifluoride

This new all-chemical compound fuses art with technology in the form of NFT> These virtual artifacts, in addition to being collectibles, can also be transferred and sold through electronic crypto wallets, increasing their value in the near future. Set by Naiko.

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Metaverse Music Festival
October, 2021
MMF 2021

Soundzone.stream paricipated at the MMF at Decentraland, where we presented our new streaming: Showcase Decentrafun, where artists presented their works, including Paul Whitehead's Kunsgarageband played online first time and DJ Carlos Diaz completed the set with a remastered videoclips.

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New Year's Verse 2022
January, 2022
NYV 2022: La ResisDance!

Streaming from 2 different Virtual Worlds: Second Life & Decentraland, and then to Twitch, in support to all the DJs and artists which jobs were jeopardized because the non in-person events' restrictions.

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